Dr. Louisa Poon

Dr. Louisa Poon, DVM PhD CCRP

Associate Veterinarian

Dr. Poon received her veterinary degree from University of Wisconsin, School of Veterinary Medicine in 2009. After completing her veterinary degree she completed a one - year shelter medicine and surgery rotating internship at Colorado State University. After two years in private practice Dr. Poon joined the faculty at University of Georgia, College of Veterinary Medicine as a Clinical Assistant Professor. While she was teaching veterinary students, she also pursued advanced training in canine rehabilitation at University of Tennessee and became certified in 2013. She began her small animal acupuncture training at Chi Institute where this provided Dr. Poon with knowledge on acupuncture as well as Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. She is now a full time relief veterinarian providing high quality veterinary care. Before Dr. Poon became a veterinarian, she was heavily involved in research and obtained her PhD in Neuroscience from University College London, United Kingdom.
In her spare time, Dr. Poon enjoys trail running, dog training, and dirt biking. She and her husband share their home with four dogs, one cat, and a number of foster animals.

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