We are dedicated to providing a high level of care for your pet. To maintain that level of excellence, payment is due at the time of treatment. Many veterinary services, such as vaccinations or routine check-ups are quite straightforward in their cost. However, if your pet is sick or injured, costs can be varied, involved, or unexpected. We have found that a clear understanding of financial policy in advance of this type of treatment helps relieve some of the anxiety you may feel in an emergency situation.
After the initial examination and assessment of your pet, a treatment plan will be provided. Along with the treatment plan will be a written estimate of expected costs for procedures. The estimate will be given as a range based on required diagnostic tests, length of hospital stay, and procedures to be performed. In many cases the initial diagnostic workup is known, however, further tests and procedures may be necessary based on the preliminary test results.
After receiving a written estimate, you will be asked to sign a “consent for treatment” form. This form indicates your informed consent for the proposed treatment plan for your pet as well as your understanding of the financial costs. A deposit is required for all patients being admitted to the hospital for care. The deposit is usually equal to the low range of the estimated cost of service.
If a change in your pet’s condition occurs after admission to the hospital, an alternate strategy in their treatment may be required. The cost of services can vary based on the progression and subsequent treatment of your pet’s condition. Our client care team will provide updates regarding current and expected costs for any further treatments.
Accepted methods of payment include cash, debit, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Care Credit. Please note that we are required to charge taxes for all services.
We also work closely with pet insurance companies. If you maintain insurance coverage on your pet, please advise our client care team upon arrival.
Foothills Animal Hospital does not provide financing for services. We utilize the services of Care Credit when financing of services is required. Our office staff can assist you in applying for financing. Approval of financing generally is confirmed soon after application, allowing the timely progression of your pet’s care at our hospital.
You can apply for CareCredit on your own by clicking below: