5 Signs Your Pet Needs Emergency Care

Animals cannot talk or tell you when they are in pain. In the animal kingdom, hiding or minimizing signs of weakness or pain is a form of self-preservation. As a pet owner, it is up to you to learn how to identify signs that your pet is unwell. 

Knowing when your pet needs an urgent visit to the vet can mean the difference between life and death. Detecting a problem in the early stages can help ensure successful treatment. The following are signs your pet needs emergency care. 


1. Sudden Collapse, Fainting, or Unconsciousness 

Collapse or fainting are signs that your pet needs emergency care. Look out for disorientation and seizures. These are symptoms of various conditions, such as anemia, lung problems, internal bleeding, and infectious disease. Fainting usually indicates a heart problem, as the animal fails to get adequate oxygen to the brain. 


2. Difficulty Breathing or Chocking 

If your pet shows labored breathing or is choking or coughing continuously, it calls for emergency care. Difficulty breathing can signify heart disease, while choking can indicate something stuck in the trachea. Coughing can be a sign of an infectious disease or a collapsing trachea. If your pet coughs up blood, get to the emergency clinic immediately. 


3. Weakness or Inability to Stand

If your pet has difficulty standing or shows weakness, you must take him to the vet immediately. These can be symptoms of an issue with the heart, lungs, brain, or spine. If your pet is wobbling or dragging the hind legs, it can be due to an arterial blood clot. It requires emergency treatment to prevent permanent loss of limb function.


4. Straining to Urinate or Pass Stool

If your pet is straining to pass urine or stool, it can indicate a neurological issue or a tumor. A bladder stone can cause blockage, causing the buildup of urine. Increased pressure can cause bladder rupture leading to kidney failure or disease. Emergency care can help prevent the worsening of the condition. 


5. Vomiting, Diarrhea, or Lack of Appetite 

Repeated vomiting, unproductive retching, and lack of appetite are common symptoms of various illnesses, and they often occur together. If the vomit or stool has blood, time is of the essence. These are signs that your pet may have ingested poison. 

Ingesting toxins, such as poisonous plants, antifreeze, or sugar substitutes, can cause the symptoms. They can also be signs of an infectious disease or organ dysfunction. 


Other Signs to Watch for

If your pet has severe injuries or broken bones from a car accident, get to the vet as soon as possible. Other signs that your pet needs emergency care include bleeding from the nose, mouth, or any other part of the body. 

Contact the vet if your pet has swollen, bleeding, squinting eyes, limp, swollen limbs, excessive panting, or shaking. Whining, restlessness, and other signs of stress can indicate that your pet may be in pain.  

Performing first aid on your pet should not replace getting emergency care. It can help stabilize the animal, but you must get to the emergency vet as soon as possible. 

For more signs that your pet needs emergency care, visit Foothills Animal Hospital Emergency and Specialty Center at our Yuma, Arizona office. Call (928) 342-0448 to schedule an appointment today.

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